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Four Misunderstandings About Primary Teeth

Parents across the board are adamant about keeping their children healthy, a big piece of which is oral health. Parents want to keep their children’s teeth strong and clean but there are many misconceptions around a few key points that we discover when patients come into our dental offices. “I encourage my kids to drink […]

NCDHM – Plan & Prep your Child for their Dental Visit

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, making it the perfect time to bring your kiddos into the office for a checkup! We have both good and bad news to share… The bad news: the dentist is a new or unfamiliar situation, and can cause a little…trepidation in some kids. Okay…most kids. The good news: there are […]

From Infancy to Proficiency—Dental Health Tips For Every Stage of Life!

Some of you might already know that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month—and no matter how old or young your kiddo might be, it’s the perfect time to brush up on some dental health and hygiene techniques! Your child probably won’t begin cutting teeth until they’re nine-to-ten months old, but what do you do […]

It’s Never Too Early for Tooth Decay

It’s National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM) and you know what that means, lots and lots of dental tips of course! The American Dental Association (ADA) touches on the importance of creating dental habits in your children at an early age. Children are at risk for tooth decay as soon as the baby teeth develop […]

Are You Participating in “Sugar Wars” for NCDHM?

The American Dental Association is asking parents and children alike to participate in “Sugar Wars” this February for National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM). In February, thousands of parents, educators, dentists, and healthcare providers will come together to promote the benefits of oral hygiene with a focus on teaching children how to care for their […]

Protect Your Chompers From the Monsters

When Halloween rolls around, kids pull out the costumes, and dentists roll up their sleeves. Everyone knows that eventually those two pounds of sweets your child picked up trick-or-treating are going to end up in somebody’s mouth — most likely yours or your child’s. While any type of sugar left in your teeth can be […]

‘Tis the Season For Sweet Treats

Fall is here and “candy season” is among us. Before you reach for that handful of candy corn or the caramel apple lollipop, keep in mind the oral health effects that candy and sweets can have on teeth. The bacteria in the mouth that causes cavities loves to eat sugars and carbohydrates – whether it […]

How to Leave Your Child’s First Appointment with a SMILE

There are many factors that contribute to how successful your child’s first appointment is. If you follow the below tips, you will be sure to leave the appointment with a smile. Before the teeth erupt, be sure to clean your child’s mouth with a soft cloth or infant toothbrush at bath time. This will help […]

Establishing a Dental Home…Before the Birthday Cake is Ordered

Pediatric Dentist Cleveland, Ohio

Parents are often advised to take their child to the dentist at age 3. In reality, age 3 may not be early enough for a child’s first dental visit. Diets high in sugar, junk foods, juices, and sodas can put your child at increased risk for getting cavities. It is important that children are seen […]