Let our Family serve your Family!

3 Ways Hudec Dental is here for you during COVID-19

We all have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak in one way or another. Some people have been impacted on a personal level, some people have been impacted on a professional or business level and some have been impacted on both levels. I’m here today to tell you that Hudec Dental has been impacted from […]

What to do about your braces during COVID-19 stay at home order

We are all facing an unprecedented time of social distancing as well as practice limitations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Per Governor DeWine, our offices have to remain closed until May 1st. We understand that many of you may be wondering what to do about your braces since you can’t see your orthodontist for regular […]

Oral Cancer Month is Next Week… Do I need a Screening?

Not so fun fact, Oral Cancer is one of the highest risks for death among common cancer types. The Oral Cancer Foundation reports that almost 50,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with Oral Cancer. The scarier fact is that there is an average of 9,750 deaths each year caused by Oral Cancer. Though those facts […]

Four Misunderstandings About Primary Teeth

Parents across the board are adamant about keeping their children healthy, a big piece of which is oral health. Parents want to keep their children’s teeth strong and clean but there are many misconceptions around a few key points that we discover when patients come into our dental offices. “I encourage my kids to drink […]

Braces or Clear Aligners?

“Braces or clear aligners?” is one of the questions an orthodontist is most frequently asked during a consultation. This question is, in fact, very expected, especially with the rapid advancements in technology and great potentials for treatment that aligners offer. The purpose of this month’s blog is not so much to answer this question because, […]

Why Does Orange Juice Taste Bad After Brushing My Teeth?

Remember that time that you thought “Oh, I’ll bring orange juice with me to work today!” Then when you get out to your car you take a sip and think to yourself… “Did the orange juice go bad? I just bought this!” Then you remember that you just brushed your teeth and that’s why that […]

Greatest Escapist – Smile For Me Now: The 6 Products In My Dental Routine

Why, yes, that title is based on a 2Pac lyric. It’s been a couple months since my first dentist appointment in a loooong time, & now I’m on my way to a healthy mouth. Woop woop! (If only I could get myself organized enough to find a new gynecologist & go see my allergist again… baby steps, right? Adulthood […]

Blood Pressure & Dentistry

As we all know, the mouth and the body aren’t separate. If you have conditions in the body, especially systemic problems like diabetes, or hypertension, they affect your dental health as well. Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, but it can cause health problems if it stays high for a prolonged period […]

Greatest Escapist – 10 Ways To Be Less Nervous About A Trip To the Dentist

Recently, I had my first dentist appointment – & teeth cleaning – in more than four years. I know, I know. This is unacceptable! Last month, I wrote about my history of fear of dental work & announced a new partnership with Hudec Dental, a neighborhood dental office with 20 locations across Northeast Ohio. Now, having finally done a […]

Oral Cancer: A Silent Killer

Every day, 132 people in the United States are diagnosed with oral cancer, but the awareness for this particular type of cancer is generally low. This is surprising considering that someone will die due to oral cancer every hour in the United States. Of those who are diagnosed, only 56 percent will live longer than […]