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Back to School Already???

We know—summer goes by way too fast, but you can start your school year smiling with some extra help from Hudec Dental!

School can be stressful, and when things get hectic, it’s easy to forget some important dental hygiene tips!

  • Add a new soft bristled ADA certified toothbrush and new toothpaste to your back-to-school shopping list!
  • While you’re at it, feel free to pick up a travel toothbrush, paste and floss to keep in your locker at school—after lunch is a perfect time to tend to those teeth!
  • Even when it isn’t convenient (like rushing for the bus in the morning or after practice late at night) don’t skip brushing! It only takes two minutes, two to three times a day to keep your teeth happy and healthy.
  • Dental care goes beyond the brush! Packing healthy, tooth-friendly snacks and lunches can go a long way to keeping your teeth at their best. Cheese, almonds, leafy greens, yogurt, celery, apples, carrots, milk…the choices are endless!


  • Angle your toothbrush at 45 degrees along the gum line.
  • Remember to brush both sides, the top and the back of each tooth if you can reach it! (The backs of your front teeth and molars are always at risk of being skipped!)
  • Brush your tongue, cheeks, and gums—every surface of your mouth needs cleaned to remove harmful bacteria!
  • Replace your brushes every three-to-four months.


  • Use between 18-24 inches of your favorite, lightly-waxed floss each time.
  • Use it to “hug” your teeth, wrapping it in a C-shape around each of your pearly whites!
  • Use an up-and-down, back-and-forth motion between every tooth.
  • Be sure to get under the gum line, where up to 90 percent of gum-disease causing bacteria is hiding!

For the month of August, all new patients age 7 and under will receive a FREE kids spin brush when they are scheduled for an exam and x-ray! And all students will receive a back to school kit courtesy of Hudec Dental!

As always, we’d love to see you every six months, and any time you have a dental emergency! Hudec Dental is here to make your school year a breeze! To schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations, give us a call at 216-325-5555!