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How to Outsmart Your Wisdom Teeth

According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, 85 percent of wisdom teeth will require removal. That’s roughly 10 million teeth every year! Usually, this is required because of tooth crowding, also commonly known as “impaction.”

Basically, it means that your wisdom teeth are trying to grow in, but they are hitting other teeth instead of emerging from the gums properly. But, how do you know when you have this kind of problem? You’ll need to look for the following signs and symptoms:

  • Pain in the back of the mouth or jaw
  • Inflammation of the gums toward the back of your mouth
  • Jaw pain or stiffness
  • Evidence of gum disease at the back of the mouth

Surprisingly, however, many people do not show any symptoms or signs that their wisdom teeth will need pulled.

Potential Problems with Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to “erupt” or break through the gums. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Regardless, many people have their wisdom teeth removed long before they erupt. This is due to the problems that may occur.

Partial Eruption: Infection. Wisdom teeth sometimes only partially erupt and then stop. This creates a hole in the back of your mouth that can cause a lot of problems. You can get food stuck, allowing bacteria to grow and cause infections. This can result in chronic pain. Getting your wisdom teeth pulled at this point can prevent further infection and pain.

Cyst and Even Tumors. In some cases, a cyst can form near the tooth. There is a sac next to the tooth as it develops, and if it fills, it can actually hurt your other tooth roots and jaw bone. This can even result in tumor growth in rare cases.

Impaction. Wisdom teeth often develop at strange angles, which can negatively affect your other teeth. Impacting another tooth root can be extremely painful, and can force all of your other teeth out of alignment.

Avoiding Problems with Your Wisdom Teeth
Your dentist can perform x-rays and other testing to determine if your wisdom teeth will need removed. Going to your regular dental checkups can prevent problems before they happen.
If you are showing signs of problems, be sure to call 216-325-9755 to schedule an appointment with Hudec Dental.