Even one missing tooth can negatively affect your oral health. When you are missing one or more teeth, it throws off your entire bite and puts you at a higher risk for oral health issues like periodontal disease. Dental implants provide a permanent solution for these troubles so you can restore the function to your mouth. Keep reading to find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants.
Dentists prefer dental implant patients to be in good overall health. You should have enough healthy jawbone left to serve as a foundation for the implants. It is also important to have healthy gums that are free from periodontal disease.
If you think dental implants can help you, schedule an appointment with one of the dentists at Hudec Dental. We are here to give you easy access to dental treatments that can improve the look and function of your mouth. To learn more about our Cleveland services, visit us online or call (216) 661-8888.